#1. The Competition Act, 2002, seeks to regulate
#2. Indicate the true statement :
#3. The time limit for filing a complaints before the District forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is
#4. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) revamps the rules and regulations pertaining to
#5. Which of the legislation(s) do (does) not form part of the legal environment of business in India?
#6. What is the underlying concept that support the immediate recognition of an estimated loss?
#7. Which is not the limitation of budgetary control?
#8. Profit volume ratio of an enterprise is 40%. To offset 10% decrease in selling price, how much sales must be increased?
#9. If debt is ₹ 220, cash balance is ₹ 20 and equity is ₹ 300, then the gearing ratio is
#10. Responsibility accounting aims to
#11. The equilibrium level of output for a perfect competitive firm is given by the point where :
#12. Penetrating pricing strategy is appropriate when
#13. In a decision problem having four possible alternative decisions and six possible states of nature, the pay-off table will include
#14. The mathematical formula for joint probabilities P(AB) = P(A/B) × P(B), holds when
#15. Which one of the following statements is the correct interpretation of P-value of less than 0.01 in hypothesis testing?
#16. Which of the following is not true about an employee-centered leader as identified by Michigan researchers?
#17. According to Talcott Parson, organizations can be classified primarily into four categories, based on functions. Which of the following is not an organization in Parson’s scheme?
#18. A primary group influencing the buyer behaviour is a
#19. After conducting the business analysis for developing a new product, a company must do
#20. Which type of retail stores generally has the highest operating costs?
#21. Indicate the correct statement :
#22. The degree of super-leverage would be calculated by :
#23. Interim cash inflows are reinvested at a rate of return equal to the internal rate of return is the built-in-mechanism for
#24. Indicate the quantitative methods of job evaluation
#25. The process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and starts working, is referred to as
#26. Which is not relevant of succession planning?
#27. Where does recognition of an Employee fall in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?
#28. Which of the following financial institutions is not with in the supervisory Purview of Reserve Bank of India?
#29. The Repo and Reserve Repo rates are resorted to by the RBI as a tool of
#30. Which one of the following institutions is promoted by the IFCI:
#31. Which of the following is not one of the components of ‘International Reserve’?
#32. Duty levied on the value of goods imported is referred to a
#33. Which of the following items would be specifically included in the statement of cash flows constructed in compliance with AS-3?
#34. Fixing the value of an employee depending upon his productivity, promotability, transferability and retainability is the core of the
#35. Which of the following refers to a situation in which the merger of companies results in over 25% of the market in the hands of the merged companies?
#36. Which of the following is true?
#37. Which one is not a major component of holistic marketing?
#38. The final step in target marketing is
#39. The most recent consideration in product packaging is
#40. Distribution logistics (also termed as ‘market logistics’) does not include
#41. Most of the money spent in measuring the effectiveness of advertising is spent on
#42. Which of the following is not included in the model of the systems approach to human resource management?
#43. Which one of the following is not an example of Herzberg’s hygiene factors?
#44. Which of the following two forms of collective bargaining were identified by Chamberlain and Kuhn?
#45. Who observed that a worker’s behaviour and sentiments are closely related?
#46. What is not an operative function of HRM?
#47. The different forms of IMF assistance are given below. Identify the one which is mainly meant for Less Developed Countries (LDCs)
#48. In the context of globalization, ‘Levitt Thesis’ means
#49. Which one of the following is an internal hedging technique?
#50. Business conglomerates have different names in different countries. Which country’s conglomerates are called ‘Chaebols’?
#51. Mr. X, a non-resident, earned ₹ 36,000 as interest on German Development Bonds. Of this, he received one-sixth in India. The amount to be included as interest for the computation of his Gross Total Income is
#52. From the following, identify by the web-based financial software:
#53. The benefits of debt financing over equity financing are likely to be highest in which of the following situations?